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 ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটিতে এমবিএ/আইবিআইএ করতে আপনার যা প্রয়োজন হবে নিমিষেই জেনে নিন    SEee More  University of Dhaka --------------

প্রত্যেক আবেদনকারীকে অবশ্যই আইবিএ দ্বারা নির্ধারিত ভর্তির প্রয়োজনীয়তাগুলি পূরণ করতে হবে। ভর্তি পরীক্ষা দুইবার বার্ষিক অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।
আবেদনকারী যোগ্যতা

এমবিএ প্রোগ্রামে আবেদন করার জন্য সর্বনিম্ন প্রয়োজনীয়তা হল:

    ব্যবসায়, প্রকৌশল, কৃষি বা মেডিসিন সহ কোনও ক্ষেত্রে ব্যাচেলর ডিগ্রি বা তার সমতুল্য
কোনও পাবলিক পরীক্ষায় এক-তৃতীয়াংশের বেশি বিভাগ / শ্রেণী নেই
কমপক্ষে সাত পয়েন্ট, নিম্নরূপ হিসাব করা:

টেবিল এ: এসএসসি / '' লেভেল এবং এইচএসসি / এ 'লেভেলের পয়েন্ট
এসএসসি জিপিএ / ডিভি

এইচএসসি জিপিএ / ডিভি

ও লেভেল জিপিএ *

একটি 'স্তর জিপিএ *

যোগ্যতা পয়েন্ট

> = 4.0 / প্রথম

> = 4.0 / প্রথম

> = 3.0

> = 2.5


> = 3.0 / দ্বিতীয়

> = 3.0 / দ্বিতীয়

> = 2.5

> = 2.0


> = 1.0 / তৃতীয়

> = 1.0 / তৃতীয়

> = 1.0

> = 1.0


ও স্তরের পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণকারী আবেদনকারীগণ অবশ্যই এই বিষয়ের প্রতিটি ক্ষেত্রে কমপক্ষে পাঁচটি বিষয় (গণিত সহ) পাস করতে হবে।
এ লেভেল পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণকারী যারা আবেদনকারী, তারা কমপক্ষে দুইটি বিষয় পাস করে থাকতে হবে, এই বিষয়ের মধ্যে সর্বনিম্ন গ্রেড 'ডি' থাকবে।
ও লেভেলের লেটার গ্রেড এবং একটি লেভেলের বিষয়গুলি গ্রেড পয়েন্টে রূপান্তরিত হয় (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1) গ্রে লেভেল এভারেজ (জিপিএ) পাঁচটি সেরা গ্রেডের গ্রে লেভেল ও ও লেভেলের দুটি সেরা গ্রেডের গড় হিসাব করে গণনা করা হয়।

টেবিল বি: ব্যাচেলরস এবং মাস্টার ডিগ্রি জন্য পয়েন্ট
সার্টিফিকেট / ডিগ্রী

জিপিএ / বিভাগ / শ্রেণী


> = 3.5 / 1 ম

> = 3.0 / 2nd
> = 2.5 / 3 য়

ব্যাচেলর ডিগ্রী (পাস)




ব্যাচেলর ডিগ্রী (Hons./four-year)




মাস্টার্স ডিগ্রী




অন্যান্য সকল সার্টিফিকেট / ডিগ্রি জন্য, সমতাটি IBA সমতুল্য কমিটি দ্বারা নির্ধারিত হবে।
ভর্তি পরীক্ষা

ঢাকায় আইবিএ দ্বারা পরিচালিত ভর্তি পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণকারী সকল বাংলাদেশী আবেদনকারীদের অবশ্যই প্রয়োজন। ভর্তি পরীক্ষা নিম্নলিখিত উপাদান আছে:
লিখিত পরীক্ষা

লিখিত পরীক্ষা ভাষা, গণিত, এবং বিশ্লেষণাত্মক ক্ষমতা মধ্যে আবেদনকারীদের 'aptitudes মূল্যায়ন। লিখিত পরীক্ষার যোগ্যতা অর্জনের জন্য, একজন আবেদনকারীকে প্রতিটি অঞ্চলে সর্বনিম্ন যোগ্যতা অর্জন করতে হবে।

লিখিত পরীক্ষায় তাদের পারফরম্যান্সের ভিত্তিতে আবেদনকারীদের সাক্ষাত্কারের জন্য নির্বাচন করা হবে।
চূড়ান্ত নির্বাচন এবং নিবন্ধন

ভর্তির জন্য চূড়ান্ত নির্বাচন লিখিত পরীক্ষা এবং যোগাযোগের পরীক্ষায় একটি আবেদনকারী দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত স্কোর উপর ভিত্তি করে করা হবে। নির্বাচিত প্রার্থী এমবিএ প্রোগ্রাম অফিস থেকে নির্ধারিত ইউনিভার্সিটি ভর্তি ফরম প্রাপ্ত করতে হবে এবং নির্ধারিত সময়ের মধ্যে এমবিএ প্রোগ্রাম অফিসে রূপায়িত আকারে বর্ণিত চারটি পাসপোর্ট সাইজ এবং এক স্ট্যাম্প-আকারের ফটোগুলি এবং অন্যান্য নথি সহ সম্পন্ন ফর্ম জমা দিতে হবে। উপরোক্ত আনুষ্ঠানিকতা সমাপ্তির পরে প্রার্থীদের আইবিএ দ্বারা নির্ধারিত প্রয়োজনীয় ফি প্রদান করতে হবে।
বিদেশী আবেদনকারীদের

ভর্তি যোগ্যতা একটি বিদেশী জাতীয় জন্য একই হিসাবে বিভাগ 8.1.1 উল্লিখিত হিসাবে। যাইহোক, জিমেইটে 650 বা তারও বেশি স্কোরের একটি বিদেশী আবেদনকারীকে মৌখিক এবং মৌখিক পরীক্ষায় শতকরা 50 শতাংশের মধ্যে 30 শতাংশের বেশি পড়তে হতে পারে লিখিত পরীক্ষা থেকে। মামলা-মামলার ভিত্তিতে আইবিএ-র দ্বারা অব্যাহতির সিদ্ধান্তগুলি করা হবে। তবে, চূড়ান্ত নির্বাচনের আগে তাদের একটি সাক্ষাত্কারের জন্য উপস্থিত হতে হবে।
বিধি ও প্রবিধান
ডিগ্রি আবশ্যকতা

এমবিএ ডিগ্রি অর্জনের জন্য একজন শিক্ষার্থী নিম্নোক্ত প্রয়োজনীয়তা পূরণ করতে পারে:

20 কোর্স সম্পন্ন এবং একটি ইন্টার্নশিপ প্রোগ্রাম (সমতুল্য 63 ঋণ ঘন্টা)
অন্তত 'সি' গ্রেডে ইন্টার্নশিপ পাস করা
সর্বনিম্ন 'সি' গ্রেড সহ ব্যাপক পরীক্ষার পাস
সমস্ত কোর্স পৃথকভাবে পাস এবং 2.50 ন্যূনতম CGPA বজায় রাখা।

এমবিএ ছাত্রদের জন্য কোর্স লোড
সম্পূর্ণ সময় ছাত্র

একটি পূর্ণসময়ের ছাত্র প্রথম সেমেস্টার পাঁচ কোর্সে নিবন্ধন করতে হবে। যাইহোক, যদি কোন শিক্ষার্থী অংশীদারিত্বের সময় স্যুইচ করতে চায় তবে সে অংশীদারিত্বের ছাত্র হিসাবে একই কোর্স লোড নিয়ে দ্বিতীয় সেমেস্টের পর থেকে তা করতে পারে।
পার্ট টাইম শিক্ষার্থী

একটি অংশীদার শিক্ষার্থী প্রথম সেমেস্টার তিন কোর্সে নিবন্ধন করতে হবে। দ্বিতীয় সেমেস্টার থেকে একটি অংশীদার শিক্ষার্থী হতে পারে অন্তত দুটি কোর্স নিতে কিন্তু প্রতিটি সেমেস্টার প্রতি তিনটি কোর্স না। একটি পূর্ণ-সময়ের ছাত্র হিসাবে একই কোর্স লোড গ্রহণ করে একটি পূর্ণ-সময়ের ছাত্র অংশীদারি থেকে পুরো সময় থেকে অবস্থা পরিবর্তন করতে পারে।

আইবিএ একাডেমিক কমিটির অনুমোদনের পর সিএজিপিএ (অধ্যায় 8.3.1 এ সংজ্ঞায়িত) অনুযায়ী শিক্ষার্থীর ভাল অবস্থা থাকলেই এই অবস্থার পরিবর্তন হবে।
ক্লাস অ্যাটেন্ডেন্স

প্রতিটি সেমিস্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত সকল ক্লাসে শিক্ষার্থীদের অংশগ্রহণের প্রয়োজন হয়। প্রতি কোর্স শুধুমাত্র তিনটি অনুপস্থিতি excused হতে পারে। একটি ছাত্র একটি কম বা একটি 'F' গ্রেড দেওয়া বা এমনকি অপ্রকাশিত অনুপস্থিতি জন্য প্রোগ্রাম থেকে বরখাস্ত করা যেতে পারে। তবে, আইবিএর একাডেমিক কমিটি অপ্রত্যাশিত অনুপস্থিতির ভিত্তিতে বরখাস্তের বিষয়ে কোন প্রস্তাবের বিষয়ে চূড়ান্ত সিদ্ধান্ত দেবে।
ক্রেডিট ঘন্টা স্থানান্তর

সমতুল্য পাঠ্যক্রমে প্রতিষ্ঠান (গুলি) থেকে ঋণাত্মক সময়সীমার স্থানান্তর, সমতুল্য গ্রিডিং সিস্টেম এবং গ্রেডিং স্ট্যান্ডার্ডগুলি সর্বাধিক 9 ক্রেডিট ঘন্টা অনুমোদিত হতে পারে
Translate .................


Every applicant must fulfill the admission requirements as laid down by IBA. The Admission Test is held twice annually.

Applicant Eligibility

The minimum requirements for application into the MBA program are:
  • A Bachelor degree or its equivalent in any field including business, engineering, agriculture or medicin
  • No more than one third division/ class in any public examination, and
  • At least seven points, calculated as follows:

Table A: Points for SSC/’O’ Level and HSC/’A’ Level



O’ Level GPA*

A’ Level GPA*

Qualifying Point

>=4.0 / 1st >=4.0 / 1st >=3.0 >=2.5 3
>=3.0 / 2nd >=3.0 / 2nd >=2.5 >=2.0 2
>=1.0 / 3rd >=1.0 / 3rd >=1.0 >=1.0 1
  • Applicants, who have taken the O Level examination, must have passed at least five subjects (including mathematics), with a minimum of grade ‘D’ in each of these subjects.
  • Applicants, who have taken the A Level examination, must have passed at least two subjects, with a minimum of grade ‘D’ in both of these subjects.
  • Letter grades of O Level and A Level subjects are converted to grade points (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1). Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by averaging the grade points of the five best grades for O Level and the two best grades for A Level.

Table B: Points for Bachelors and Masters Degree



>=3.5/1st >=3.0/2nd >=2.5/3rd
Bachelors Degree (Pass)
4 3 2
Bachelors Degree (Hons./four-year)
5 4 2
Masters Degree
1 1 1
For all other certificates/degrees, equivalence will be determined by the Equivalence Committee of IBA.

Admission Test

All Bangladeshi applicants are required to take the admission test which is administered by IBA in Dhaka. The admission test has the following components:

Written Test

The Written Test assesses the applicants’ aptitudes in Language, Mathematics, and Analytical ability. To qualify in the Written Test, an applicant must obtain a minimum qualifying score in each of these areas.


Applicants will be selected for interview on the basis of their performances in the Written Test.

Final Selection & Registration

The final selection for admission will be based on scores obtained by an applicant in the Written Test and the Communication Test. Selected candidates should obtain the prescribed University Admission Form from the MBA Program Office and submit the completed form along with four passport-size and one stamp-size photographs and other documents as outlined in the form within the stipulated time to the MBA Program Office. After completion of the above formalities candidates will then have to pay the requisite fees as determined by IBA.

Foreign Applicants

Admission eligibility for a foreign national is the same as stated in section 8.1.1. However, a foreign applicant having a total score of 650 or more in GMAT with minimum 30 percentile in verbal and 50 percentile in quantitative may be exempted from the Written Test. Exemption decisions will be made by IBA on a case-by-case basis. However, they will have to appear for an interview before the final selection is made.

Rules & Regulations

Degree Requirements

In order to qualify for the MBA degree, a student has to meet the following requirements:
  • Completion of 20 courses and an internship program (equivalent to 63 credit hours)
  • Passing of Internship with a minimum ‘C’ grade
  • Passing of Comprehensive Examination with a minimum ‘C’ grade
  • Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.50.

Course Load for MBA Students

Full -time Students

A full- time student must register in five courses in the first semester. However, if a student wants to switch to part time he/she may do so from second semester onwards by taking the same course load as that of a part- time student.

Part- time Students

A part- time student must register in three courses in the first semester. From the second semester onwards a part-time student may take a minimum of two but not more than three courses per semester. A part-time student may also change status from part-time to full-time by taking the same course load as that of a full-time student.
Change of such status will be allowed only if the student has good standing in terms of CGPA (as defined in section 8.3.1) upon approval of the IBA Academic Committee.

Class Attendance

Students are required to attend all classes held during each semester. Only three absences per course may be excused. A student may be given a reduced or an ‘F’ grade or even dismissed from the program for unexcused absences. However, the Academic Committee of IBA will make the final decision regarding any proposal for dismissal on grounds of unexcused absences.

Transfer of Credit Hours

Transfer of credit hours from institution(s) having equivalent curricula, comparable grading system, and grading standards may be allowed for a maximum of 9 credit hours, provided that a student has obtained minimum ‘B’ grade in the courses intended for transfer. Students seeking transfer must have had similar courses with at least 70% identical content. Transfer of credit will be considered only after a student enrolls in the IBA MBA program having fulfilled all admission requirements as are applicable for regular students. All applications for transfer of credit will be considered by the IBA Equivalence Committee on a case-by-case basis.
A student who has been granted transfer of credits will be required to complete the remaining credit hours and meet other degree requirements of the MBA program. The transferred credits will not be part of the CGPA and will not be shown in the transcript.
A student, exempted from a course, may take an alternative course of the same level or higher, subject to the approval of the Equivalence Committee.

Course Waiver

Waivers may be given in any or all of the five foundation courses. Applicants with BBA or relevant Masters degree (Economics, Mathematics, Management, Finance and Law) from reputed universities may get waiver provided they fulfill the following conditions:
  • at least a ‘B’ grade in a similar course in the earlier program
  • at least 70% of the course material are similar, and
  • passing a qualifying test for each such course as decided by IBA.
All applications for course waiver will be reviewed by IBA on a case-by-case basis.

Grievance Procedure Regarding Grades

Students aggrieved by the evaluation and grading of academic work by their faculty or supervisor may file a grievance application according to the approved procedure of IBA.

Withdrawal from the Program

Students may apply for withdrawal from the program after completion of at least one semester provided that they are in good standing (as defined in section 8.3.1). Students having incomplete grades will not be allowed to withdraw from the program. Withdrawal will be allowed at least a month before the end of the semester. Course withdrawal is allowed subject to taking a minimum course load as required by IBA and at the most four weeks from start of the semester.
A student who is granted withdrawal must complete the program within eight academic years from the date of initial registration and will select courses from those that will be on offer for the regular students.

Unfair Means

Students are strictly forbidden from adopting unfair means. The following shall be considered as adoption of unfair means:
a) communicating with fellow students for obtaining help excepting for collaborative work
b) copying from another student's script or report or paper
c) copying from printed matter, hand-written script, writing on desk or palm of hand, or from other incriminating documents during quizzes or exams
d) Plagiarizing or copying from existing work without reference for inclusion in report or paper
e) possession of any incriminating document, whether used or not, and
f) Any approach in direct or indirect form to influence a teacher concerning grades.
Students adopting unfair means may be given an 'F' grade for the assignment, test, quiz, paper, report, or even for that course, at the discretion of the instructor.
Adoption of unfair means and/or engaging in any unruly behavior which is disruptive of the academic atmosphere may result in the dismissal of the student from the program as well as expulsion of the student from IBA and as such from the University of Dhaka.

Grading System

In each course, students receive letter grades such as ‘A’, , ‘B+’, ‘B’, , ‘C+’, ‘C’, , ‘D+’, ‘D’, and ‘F’, depending on their performances. 'F' is a failing grade. The numerical equivalence (grade point) of each grade as used in calculating CGPA is as follows:

Letter Grades

Grade Points

Letter Grades

Grade Points

A 4.00 C 2.00
B+ 3.50 D+ 1.50
B 3.00 D 1.00
C+ 2.50 F 0.00

Good Standing

A student having a minimum CGPA of 2.50 is considered to be in good standing. The GPA (for the first semester) and CGPA (for subsequent semesters) will be calculated on the basis of: (a) grades earned in individual courses and (b) number of courses completed, including the course(s) in which the student received an 'F' grade. If the student repeats a course and the ‘F’ grade is substituted by a passing grade, the new grade will be considered for calculating CGPA.

Incomplete Grade

For incomplete course work, a student may be assigned an incomplete grade, which will be recorded as ‘I’ along with an alternative grade based on an assessment of the work completed in that course. Students must complete the course work within four weeks from the date of publication of the semester results. If a student fails to do so, he/she will automatically earn the alternative grade.

Repeating a Course

A course may be taken only once. However, a student who has received an ‘F’ grade in any course must retake that course and get a minimum ‘D’ grade in order to meet the degree requirement. The grade earned on the retake will be shown in the Grade Sheet along with the 'F' grade earned when the course was first taken. However, the previous ‘F’ grade(s) will not be used in the calculation of CGPA. A particular course may be repeated only once.

Probation and Dismissal

If a student fails to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.50 at the end of a semester, but obtains 2.00 or more, he/she will be placed on probation. A student obtaining a CGPA of less than 2.00 shall be dismissed from the program. If a student on probation fails to raise his/her CGPA to at least 2.50 in the following semester, he/she will stand dismissed from the program.
The variety of coursework in the MBA curriculum contributes to a broad based understanding of business management processes.

Course Structure

Course Category

No. of Courses

Credit per Course

Total Credits

Foundation 5 3 15
Core 8 3 24
Major 4 3 12
Minor / Free Elective 2 3 6
Capstone 1 3 3
Internship 1 3 3





Foundation Courses

The MBA Foundation courses are designed to provide accelerated coverage of the knowledge base necessary for students to prepare them for the study of business at the graduate level.


Course Code

Course Title

1 A501 Financial Accounting
2 C501 Managerial Communication
3 K501 Business Mathematics and Probabilities
4 L501 Legal Environment of Business
5 W501 Management of Organizations

Core Courses

The core courses provide students with essential management skills to succeed in any career by focusing on the functional areas of business.


Course Code

Course Title

Pre-requisite Course Code

1 A502 Management Accounting A501
2 E501 Managerial Economics K501
3 F501 Financial Theory and Practices A501
4 H501 Managing People at Work W501
5 K502 Statistics and Decision Analysis K501
6 K503 Management Information Systems W501
7 M501 Marketing Theory and Practices W501
8 P501 Managing Operations K501

Areas of Concentration (Major/Minor)

Students are required to take additional courses as free electives in order to develop interests in areas which may aid in advancement of their career paths.
In this category, students concentrate on their chosen professional major, which prepares them for careers in business and provides specialized analytical skills for professional advancement. To major in an academic area, students need to choose at least four courses from that particular area of interest. Students can choose from among eight areas of concentration:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Human Resources Management
  • Information Systems
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Markets and Development, and
  • Technology and Operations.
Students may wish to minor in any academic area of special interest. The requirement for minors as an option for students is successful completion of two elective courses from any one area of concentration.
The prerequisites for registration in any of these courses are successful completion of all foundation courses and related core courses.



Course Code

Course Title

1 W601 Entrepreneurial Finance
2 W602 Entrepreneurial Marketing
3 W603 Entrepreneurship and Corporate Venturing
4 W604 Innovation Management
5 W605 Management of Technology
6 W606 Managing Changes
7 W607 Managing Product Development
8 W608 Negotiation
9 W609 Small Business Management
10 W610 Social Entrepreneurship
11 W611 Franchise Management
12 W612 Technology and Markets
13 W621 Seminars in Small Business



Course Code

Course Title

1 F601 Corporate Finance
2 F602 Financial Institutions and Markets
3 F603 International Finance
4 F604 Financial Derivatives
5 F605 Portfolio Management and Investment Analysis
6 F606 Insurance and Risk Management
7 F607 Bank Management
8 F608 Financial Information Analysis
9 F609 Corporate Restructuring
10 F610 Entrepreneurial Finance
11 F611 Real Estate Finance
12 F612 Venture Financing
13 F613 Corporate Governance

Human Resources Management (HRM)


Course Code

Course Title

1 H601 Compensation Management
2 H602 Conflict Management
3 H603 Gender in Management
4 H604 Human Resources Planning
5 H605 Human Resources Management in Global Organizations
6 H606 Industrial Relations
7 H607 Managing Employees
8 H608 Managing Workforce Diversity
9 H609 Performance Management
10 H610 Training and Development
11 H611 Strategic Human Resources Management
12 H621 Seminars in Human Resources Management

Information Systems


Course Code

Course Title

1 K601 Cross-Functional Systems Integration
2 K602 Data Management
3 K603 Decision Support Systems
4 K604 E-Business
5 K605 Global Information Technology Management
6 K606 Information and Knowledge Management
7 K607 Information Technology Strategy and Services
8 K608 Management of Information Systems
9 K609 System Analysis and Design
10 K621 Seminars in Information Systems



Course Code

Course Title

1 F613 Corporate Governance
2 K606 Information and Knowledge Management
3 N601 Cross Cultural Management
4 N602 Business Research Methods
5 N621 Seminars in Management
6 P608 Quality Management
7 P613 Project Management
8 W605 Management of Technology
9 W606 Managing Changes
10 W609 Small Business Management
11 W620 Business Ethics and Leadership



Course Code

Course Title

1 M601 Advertising Management
2 M602 Brand Management
3 M603 Buyer Behavior
4 M604 E-Marketing
5 M605 Industrial Marketing
6 M606 Integrated Marketing Communication
7 M607 International Marketing
8 M608 Marketing Channels Management
9 M609 Market Research
10 M610 Relationship Marketing
11 M611 Sales-force Management
12 M612 Services Marketing
13 M613 Societal Marketing and Corporate Responsibilities
14 M614 Public Relations & Publicity
15 M621 Seminars in Marketing

Markets and Development


Course Code

Course Title

1 D601 Public Policy & Private Sector Strategy
2 D602 Market Development in Emerging Economies
3 D603 Global Outsourcing Strategy
4 D604 Business Competitiveness and Development
5 D605 International Trade, Investment and Development
6 D606 Entrepreneurship & SME Development
7 D607 Macroeconomic Policy & Business
8 D608 Development Research & Policy Analysis
9 D609 Social Entrepreneurship
10 D610 Development Finance
11 D611 Management of Development Projects
12 D621 Seminar in Markets & Development
13 P611 Technology & Markets

Technology and Operations


Course Code

Course Title

1 P601 Global Operations Management
2 P602 Information Technology and Business Process Management
3 P603 Management of Technology
4 P604 Manufacturing Management
5 P605 Operations Research
6 P606 Product and Service Development
7 P607 Production System and Design
8 P608 Quality Management
9 P609 Service Operations
10 P610 Supply Chain Management
11 P611 Technology and Markets
12 P612 Technology and Operations Strategy
13 P613 Project Management
14 P621 Seminars in Operations

Capstone Course

This course enables the students to integrate what has been learnt in the rest of the program.

Course Code

Course Title

Prerequisite Course Code

W650 Business Strategy All Foundation and Core courses
The decisions on course offerings are made by the Academic Committee.

Comprehensive Examination

A Comprehensive Examination is taken to evaluate the students’ comprehension of their major areas of study. Students must earn at least a ‘C’ grade in this examination. The Comprehensive Examination grade is shown on the Grade Sheet but is not included in the calculation of CGPA.
The Comprehensive Examination is usually taken two weeks before the end of the final semester. If a student fails the Comprehensive Examination, he/she may sit for a retake which is allowed only once, unless otherwise decided by the Academic Committee.

Internship Program

Every student must complete an Internship Program as part of the MBA degree requirement. A student must pass the Comprehensive Examination before starting the Internship Program. The primary goal of internship is to provide an on-the-job exposure to students and an opportunity for relating theoretical concepts to real- life situations. Students are placed in business enterprises, government and semi-autonomous institutions, NGOs, development projects, or research institutions. The program includes ten weeks of organizational attachment and four weeks for report writing.
Students are required to prepare and submit an internship report which is graded following the grading scheme of IBA. The grade obtained in the internship report is shown on the Grade Sheet and included in calculating CGPA.

Applicability of the Curriculum and Rules

The Institute of Business Administration reserves the right to make, at any time without notice, changes to programs, courses, regulations, degree requirements, fees or any other information or statements contained in this booklet. No responsibility will be borne either by the University of Dhaka or by the Institute of Business Administration for any adjustments or expenses resulting out of such changes.

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